Guidelines for Reasonable Accommodation, and Self-Disclosure and Confidentiality of Health Information

Disability and Health Accommodations

Students may receive disability or health-needs accommodations, if self-disclosed to the Study Abroad Office well in advance of program departure. The Study Abroad Office reserves the right to determine whether reasonable accommodation can be granted in each individual case, considering risk and safety factors, and feasible program logistics and resources allowances. 


The Principia Study Abroad Office strongly encourages students to self-disclose health and dietary information to the Study Abroad Office, through the administered Health Information Form. This information will then be shared with the program faculty and resident counselor. The information is held confidential, within the above stated “need to know” parties. This self-disclosed information should include mental health concerns, allergies, medications, dietary preferences or restrictions, physical disabilities, and so on. Any information that is disclosed will be treated confidentially.

It is strongly encouraged that program faculty and staff also self-disclose health and dietary information and complete the provided form.