Spring 2025 Application Now Open!
- Applications for Finland Study Abroad program will be due Wednesday of Week 4 (February 19, 2025) by 5:00 pm
- Online Application: bit.ly/studyabroad-app-S25
- Open to all majors and January 2026 post-graduates
- Info Sheet_Application Instructions_Finland S26_update
Application Instructions
Applications for upcoming Principia Study Abroad programs are due each semester on Wednesday of Week 4, by 5:00 p.m.
After students submit their application, they will sign up for an interview with the program faculty and staff. Selection decisions for programs are made on Friday of Week 8 for fall semester, and Friday of Week 7 during spring semester.
Here are further details about how to apply for a study abroad program:
- Applications and information about open programs can be found on the Current & Upcoming Programs page
- Applications are submitted online using Google Forms. To authenticate the application submission, you must use your Principia email address
- Your study abroad application, as well as the online signature forms from your resident counselor and academic advisor, MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 5:00 pm on Wednesday. of Week 4. No late applications will be accepted!
- The application has 9 sections, and you must complete each section before moving to the next. You will be required to provide the following information:
- The first section includes basic personal information including P01 number, date of birth, citizenship, email, phone number, address, emergency contact(s), declared/expected major and minor, and expected graduation date.
- The second section includes listing two references, their emails and phone numbers – one is your personal/character reference and the other is for group learning
- The third section confirms that you met with your academic advisor to discuss this study abroad program and that it does not conflict with any graduation requirements. You will send your academic advisor this signature page to confirm the meeting: bit.ly/studyabroad-advisor-signature
- The next section confirms that you met with your resident counselor to discuss your ability to demonstrate emotional maturity, personal responsibility, and commitment to adapt to different living and learning conditions. You will send your RC the signature form to confirm this meeting: bit.ly/studyabroad-rc-signature
- The next section includes additional questions including previous international travel and previous abroads for which you have applied and been accepted or not accepted
- The next section includes five to seven program-specific essay questions
- See program Info Sheets & Application Instructions
- The last three sections include signing off on your understanding of the following topics:
- Financial Responsibility – including commitment and withdrawal deadlines; *if applying for Study Abroad Grant, additional questions will be asked in this section to explain specific funding need
- Academic & Social Responsibility – including that you have read the Study Abroad Student Code of Conduct and the Study Abroad Student Selection & Eligibility Criteria
- Statement of Expectations – including abiding by the standards set forth in the previous documents, Principia’s standards, additional standards stipulated by the program faculty or international laws and custom, and expectation that you will fully participate in all aspects of the program.
Selection Process
Selection for study abroad programs is based on eligibility criteria, an application, references, and an interview. Admission to programs may be competitive.
Read the full Student Selection & Eligibility Criteria for additional details.
The Study Abroad Director appoints faculty and staff interview and selection committees to screen and vet applicants for study abroad programs. A standard applicant dossier consists of:
- Application: including demographic information and the student’s responses to program specific essay questions.
- Academic Information: transcript and academic informational matrix. A student’s previous participation on another Principia Study Abroad program, may make them less competitive in the selection process: Guidelines for Participating on Multiple Abroads
- References: Your Academic Advisor and Resident Counselor (RC) sign the application, and students also provide Personal and Group Learning references
- Interview: conducted in-person (exceptions may apply)
- Disciplinary Record: supplied by the Dean of Students
The interview and selection committee recommends students who not only meet the minimum eligibility criteria but who also show the type of intellectual curiosity, personal maturity, academic rationale, and social flexibility necessary for a successful study abroad experience.
Final participant selection recommendations are vetted by the selection committee, the assigned Study Abroad Program Manager, and the Study Abroad Director. The Director of Study Abroad has the final authority to accept or reject the recommendations of the selection committees.