Sanaya Baldauf


Major: Math and Economics

Year: Senior

From: Boston, Massachusetts

What intrigues/excites you most about going to Ecuador?

I’m excited about being able to be immersed in Spanish language and culture again and to be able to really build back my language skills. I’m also really looking forward to getting to explore a part of the world that I’ve dreamt about traveling to for my whole life. And to get to swim with turtles and penguins!!

Where is your favorite place you have visited and why?

I would say that Spain is probably my favorite place that I’ve ever visited. I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in a language immersion program the summer before my senior year in high school and got to really get to know a lot about Spanish culture and get close to my homestay family. I learned so much about myself during the trip and consider Spain to be a home and a place that I would love to go back and live in. 

How many countries have you been to up until this point and which ones?

More than I can count, honestly. South Africa, India, Nepal, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Swaziland, Turkey, Greece, Spain, England, Scotland, Oman, U.A.E, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Canada…

What makes you most curious (in life, in general)?

How to not get overwhelmed by all the options at an ice cream store. It’s too stressful and I don’t think I’ve ever been fully confident in the choice I end up making.

Share a little about your family.

My family is from all over. My dad is from the US and my mom is from India, but we’ve lived and traveled all over the world. Because of this, home is everywhere and nowhere specific at the same time.