Japhet Hoff


Major: Undeclared (Interested in Business though)
Year: Sophomore
From: St. Louis, MO

What intrigues/excites you most about going to Ecuador?
Indulging in a new culture while doing activities in an incredibly beautiful country!

What is the best piece of advice/wisdom you’ve ever been given?
Give more. – Clark Shutt

How many countries have you been to up until this point and which ones?
I’ve been to 11 different countries. United States of America, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Spain, France, Israel, Jordan, South Africa, and soon to be Ecuador!

What makes you most curious (in life, in general)?
How I will get a wife…What lights your fire and gets you fully engaged in life?
Making memories. Life is short so you gotta make the most out of it!