Emmett Wainwright


Major: Computer Science and Political Science

Year: Senior

From: Born in Florida, currently live in North Carolina

What intrigues/excites you most about going to Ecuador?

I’m most excited by all of the different places we will be visiting and all of the people we are going to meet.

Where is your favorite place you have visited and why?

We have a family cottage in Canada that belongs to my extended family. It’s a place that I feel happy and at peace at.

How many countries have you been to up until this point and which ones?

So far, I have been to Canada and Peru. I’m interested to see how Ecuador differs from Peru, how they might be similar, and to get another perspective on South America.

What makes you most curious (in life, in general)?

Honestly, so many things make me curious in life. I love to find out how things work, from computers and technology (Computer Science) to governments and societies (Political Science). I think there is so much to learn in the world and traveling to other places and talking to other people is one of the best ways to do that.

What’s your favorite book and why?

The Martian is one of my favorite books. It’s a great blend of science fiction, action and wit.