Herman Trout


Major: History and Global Studies 

Year: Sophomore  

From: Born in Pasto, Colombia. Live in East Alton, IL.  

What intrigues/excites you most about going to Ecuador? 

Immersing myself in a different culture.  

Where is your favorite place you have visited and why? 

My favorite place I have visited is Bogotá, Colombia because it was my first time returning back to my country of birth in almost 16 years.   

How many countries have you been to up until this point and which ones? 

I have been to four countries so far; Colombia, The United States, Costa Rica, and Guatemala.  

What makes you most curious (in life, in general)? 

Understanding why humans act the way they do (from a historical lens)  

What would you like your life legacy to be? 

Helping bring a love for education to the future generations.