Rachel McLeod-Warrick


Major: Biology 

Year: Senior 

From: Lunenburg, MA 

What intrigues/excites you most about going to Ecuador? 

Seeing the place where Darwin discovered evolution.

What is the best piece of advice/wisdom you’ve ever been given?

“To be really good at something you have to be willing to be really bad at it” -Ryan Reynolds  

Where is your favorite place you have visited and why?

Bar Harbor because it is the place I fell in love with the natural world and decided at 5 years old that I wanted to be scientist.  

What is one of your favorite childhood memories? 

When I was 12 years old, I scored a goal with my stomach, and it became a metaphor for my life as I continuously get hit in the gut by life but somehow keep scoring goals. 

Share a little about your family. 

We are all very big and loud and a normal family dinner is sometimes confused with a watering hole in the Savanna.