Gracie Paul


Major: Business Administration and Sustainability  

Year: Junior 

From: Sequim, Washington 

What intrigues/excites you most about going to Ecuador? 

I am excited to go to the Galápagos Islands and study sea life.  

What is the best piece of advice/wisdom you’ve ever been given? 

Try new experiences and always try new food!  

How many countries have you been to up until this point and which ones? 

 I have visited 4 countries including the Dominican Republic, Israel, Jordan, and Canada.  

What is one of your favorite childhood memories? 

Going to Camp Newfound every summer and making amazing friends.  

What lights your fire and gets you fully engaged in life? 

Learning about the environment and how to protect it lights my fire. I am very passionate about sustainability and the conservation efforts of our world’s resources.