Camille Pruvost

Home town and state: New York City, NY

Major/Minor: Double Major in Music & Religion/Minor in Philosophy

What topic pertaining to the Holy Land are you researching?


What idea have you found inspiring as you’ve prepared for the abroad and/or prayed for the Middle East? 

“The first duty of love is to listen.” –Tillich “Someone must risk returning injury with kindness, or hostility will never turn to goodwill.” –Lao Tzu “The fall of dropping water wears away the stone.” –Lucretius.  When Mishi Neubach visited Principia College back in 2016, I asked him what message he hoped world leaders would take away from their time with him in the Holy Land.  His answer was, “love thy neighbor.”  A large portion of my metaphysical preparation is establishing that love is effective.

What biblical character or site would you want to be or do you feel you are like? Why?

I would want to be Tamar because she had the resilience, wisdom, and tenacity to demand God’s law be fulfilled.  She stood up for herself, and she made a way where there was none.

What is the place or activity you are most looking forward to on the abroad? Why? 

Staying in the Bedouin tents in the desert.  Out of all the places we will visit, this is one that I expect to feel most culturally different.  I’m looking forward to experiencing the great hospitality Bedouins are known for and understanding their strong connection to the land… plus, I hear the desert is beautiful and a good place to stargaze 🙂