Mesa Goebel

Home town and state: Custer, SD

Major/Minor: Double major in Global Studies and Political Science with a minor in Religion

What topic pertaining to the Holy Land are you researching?

The role of women in Biblical times and Israeli society today 

What idea have you found inspiring as you’ve prepared for the abroad and/or prayed for the Middle East?

A couple weeks ago, this quote was in the lesson on Unreality, and it came at a time when mortal mind was trying very hard to get a footing in my thought: “We must learn that evil is the awful deception and unreality of existence. Evil is not supreme; good is not helpless; nor are the so-called laws of matter primary and the law of Spirit secondary.” (S&H 207:9-13). Sometimes, evil, especially the kind that we see on the news and are taught to fear, can seem like a law. But we know that evil has no place in reality because reality is everything good!

What biblical character or site would you want to be or do you feel you are like? 

I think I’m similar to Noah because I’m a strong leader and – as a Christian Scientist who lives in an area with very few Christian Scientists – sometimes it feels like I’m on my own, but I have to hang on to what I know is true.

What is the place or activity you are most looking forward to on the abroad?

I am so looking forward to home-stays in Jordan. Those sort of intercultural exchanges are so important – and something I am very passionate about as a Global Studies major. I have always enjoyed getting to know people from other cultures and learning about their language, values, food, etc. Also, as Americans, it will be good to dispel any stereotypes about Jordanians and/or Muslims in order to learn how they really live.