Chris Hronek

Home town and state: Traverse City, Michigan

Major/Minor: B.S. in Computer Science and a minor in Business Administration

What topic pertaining to the Holy Land are you researching?

How Israel and Palestine have handled military conflict in The Bible and now.

What idea have you found inspiring as you’ve prepared for the abroad and/or prayed for the Middle East?

How God provided the children of Israel with exactly what they needed. God turned the wilderness from a desolate place of want into a place of hope and promise.

What biblical character or site would you want to be or do you feel you are like?

 I would be Noah because he was very loyal to God. He followed God and did the work he needed to do. I feel that I am very passionate for what I spend my time on.

What is the place or activity you are most looking forward to on the abroad?

I’m excited to visit the city of Jerusalem and to stay with the Bedouin tribe: Their culture is very interesting to me.