Katie Cunningham

Home town and state: Orange County, CA

Major/Minor: Political Science major and Religious Studies major

What topic pertaining to the Holy Land are you researching?

I plan to do how women are often perceived as strong, smart, and independent in the Bible and how they are treated today in the Holy Land.

What idea have you found inspiring as you’ve prepared for the abroad and/or prayed for the Middle East?

I have been working with the idea that we are all children of God and therefore equal in expressing all of His qualities so there is no need for fear within our group, from anyone in the country, or anyone in the US

What biblical character or site would you want to be or do you feel you are like?

I took the BuzzFeed quiz, ‘Which Bible character are you?’ and it said I was Mary Magdalene because I am strong and brave and willing to fight for those in need of it. 

What is the place or activity you are most looking forward to on the abroad?

I can’t really pick one but going to the Western Wall and the top of the peak where you can see Israel, Jordan and Egypt will be amazing.