William Johnson


St. Louis, Missouri

Major and/or Minor

Major: Economics; Minors: Educational Studies and Global Studies



If you were a pet or animal, what would you choose?

I would be a golden retriever because I am joyful and outgoing.

How would you describe yourself?

I do my best to be kind to everyone and find ways to learn everyday.

What piece of advice would you give to yourself before the in-country experience?

Take advantage of every moment to speak Spanish and live in Spanish culture.

Which country or countries have you visited before?

Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Israel, South Africa, Greece, Spain, Ecuador, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Germany

What has been the most meaningful idea / fact you have discovered or learned about this program so far?

I have learned that Spain has a much deeper and darker history than I was previously aware of. The country deals with its difficult history by moving forward and not focusing on the past.

What food are you most excited to try in Spain?

Tortilla de patatas

What do you most look forward to during the Spain program?

I am most excited to live in a homestay and be a part of Spanish social culture.

What opportunity do you hope this abroad will bring to you?

The Spain Abroad is an opportunity to explore the beautiful country of Spain by learning more about its culture, history, and language.