Tracy Price


San Rafael, California


I am the Resident Counselor. 

If you were a pet or animal, what would you choose?

A bird – because I could fly!! 😉

How would you describe yourself?

I see the good everywhere – I love to travel – I’m very curious – I have lots of energy.

What piece of advice would you give to yourself before the in-country experience?

Stay open to all opportunities that present themselves.

Which country or countries have you visited before?

Turkey, Greece, Italy, Peru, Guatemala, Austria, Mexico, Lebanon, Portugal, Germany,  Slovenia, Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand,

What has been the most meaningful idea / fact you have discovered or learned about this program so far?

What a unique country Spain is.

What food are you most excited to try in Spain?


What do you most look forward to during the Spain program?

Learning more about the culture, meeting the people, trying the food, and being surprised by things I didn’t expect.

What opportunity do you hope this abroad will bring to you?

I hope to learn more about the amazing world we live in!