Ruth Hummell


Marquette, Michigan

Major and/or Minor

Global Studies and Spanish majors



If you were a pet or animal, what would you choose?

If I were an animal, I would be a sugar glider, because they are friendly and seem soft.

How would you describe yourself?

I would describe myself as a friendly caring person who enjoys learning new things.

What piece of advice would you give to yourself before the in-country experience?

I would tell myself to be as open-minded as possible and ready to learn new things.

Which country or countries have you visited before?

I’ve never visited any countries outside of the U.S.

What has been the most meaningful idea / fact you have discovered or learned about this program so far?

The most meaningful idea I’ve learned so far has been the impact of the Spanish civil war on Spanish culture.

What food are you most excited to try in Spain?

I’m most excited to try paellas.

What do you most look forward to during the Spain program?

I’m most looking forward to living with a host family and immersing myself in Spanish culture.

What opportunity do you hope this abroad will bring to you?

I hope to have the opportunity to learn new things and be able to learn more Spanish.