Alysha Akankunda


Kampala, Uganda

Major and/or Minor

Environmental Studies



If you were a pet or animal, what would you choose?

If I were a pet I would want to be a dog, because I will be useful for protection purposes, but also loving and a man’s best friend.

How would you describe yourself?

I would describe myself as an artist and environmentalist. I love nature and being creative in any form: for example dance, drawing, acting etc. I am outgoing, friendly, kind and patient when necessary! I really love learning about new cultures and how as a human I can be a better global citizen!

What piece of advice would you give to yourself before the in-country experience?

I would advise myself to not give up on learning. I am not a native speaker of Spanish and because of that I am scared that I will not fit in, but I want to encourage myself to be patient with my learning and focus on the learning and the experience instead of my lack of the Spanish language.

Which country or countries have you visited before?

Kenya, Germany, London, and the USA 

What has been the most meaningful idea / fact you have discovered or learned about this program so far?

Learning about the history of the country has been really meaningful to me, because I feel like it’s an important aspect to our experience in Spain and I am so glad that we get to learn about it before the in-country experience.

What food are you most excited to try in Spain?

I don’t know, but I am open to anything other than fish. 🙂

What do you most look forward to during the Spain program?

I look forward to experiencing a different culture and learning more about the traditions that they hold dear to them. I am also looking forward to the architecture within the county, especially the amazing building structures!

What opportunity do you hope this abroad will bring to you?

I hope to be an explorer and learn more about a culture that I did not have a lot of prior knowledge about!