Jay Clifford


Olney, Maryland

Major and/or Minor




If you were a pet or animal, what would you choose?

I would be a monkey, because I climb everything. 

How would you describe yourself?

Outgoing and adventurous. Excited to try new things and meet new people!

What piece of advice would you give to yourself before the in-country experience?

Be ready to try things you’re not used to.

Which country or countries have you visited before?


What has been the most meaningful idea / fact you have discovered or learned about this program so far?

Little time is spent in houses or personal rooms in Spain.

What food are you most excited to try in Spain?


What do you most look forward to during the Spain program?

I’m most looking forward to seeing the aqueduct and climbing in another country!

What opportunity do you hope this abroad will bring to you?

I hope to begin my journey as a global citizen and use my spanish!