Linda Bohaker

Bohaker-web-photoWhy are you interested in Japan? 

People have been asking me this question for years!  My standard response is that I can’t always explain why, but Japan makes sense to me and feels like home.   For me, Japan is a study in contrasts – centuries old temples next to modern buildings, Zen Buddhist monks walking next to Tokyo business men, young women studying traditional arts such as flower arranging and tea ceremony while also enjoying J-Pop and manga, and a mix of East and West everywhere you look.  

What are you most looking forward to experiencing/learning in Japan? 

I’m looking forward to sharing Japan’s rich culture and history with my abroad students. 

What is your favorite sushi or Japanese food? 

I’m a big fan of all kinds of Japanese food.  Love sushi (grilled eel, salmon, sea urchin), but also love a good bowl of ramen noodles, or tempura.  When in Kyoto I try to have kaiseki ryouri, which is course after course of traditional Japanese food.

Please share a metaphysical quote or idea that will help you in preparation for and participation on this program:  

“Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.”  (Ex 23:20)