Student Code of Conduct

Students must maintain social and behavioral expectations prior to and during the program, in alignment with the eligibility criteria and the Study Abroad Student Code of Conduct. The Study Abroad Office reserves the right to withdraw a student based on code of conduct infractions, or failure to meet any of the outlined study abroad program eligibility requirements, at any time. Students are required to initial the points below and sign off on the code of conduct at the beginning of each program.

Study Abroad Student Code of Conduct

Please initial each item, print your name, sign and date the document. Return signed document to the Study Abroad Office.

  • I understand that I am responsible for my own conduct, and that my conduct will be a reflection on the group as a whole. I also understand that I will be an ambassador of Principia College and for my country.
  • I will abide by rules, parameters, and expectations set forth by the study abroad program faculty, staff, and Study Abroad Office.
  • I understand that social infractions, with regard to the Principia Standards, may result in formal discipline or immediate dismissal from the program. I understand that I may not receive the same on-campus due-process or appeals process, due to the restricted resources available while abroad. 
  • I understand that laws in the host country may be different from those in the USA and I will obey all host country laws, and that if I break a host country law I will be immediately removed from the program.
  • I understand that disorderly, disruptive, threatening, or intimidating behavior, gestures, or actions that endanger the emotional well-being, health, or safety of any person, including myself, are prohibited and may result in engagement with a behavioral contract outlined by program staff and the Study Abroad Office and/or dismissal from the program.
  • I understand that full participation in the program and classes is expected, and failure to participate may result in negative impacts to my course grade(s) and/or potential dismissal from the program.
  • I will be responsible and respectful when dealing with fellow-students, faculty, staff, and local citizens.
  • I understand that if my program faculty/staff or the Principia College administration/Study Abroad Office staff determines, after informing me of an alleged violation and discussing it with me, that I have violated a student conduct regulation, that I may be terminated from the program immediately. I will be sent home at my own expense, and forfeit all privileges such as program instruction, program lodging, meals, excursions, and other organized events and activities. In these circumstances, no refunds will be given for any finances paid and any scholarships granted by Principia College.
  • I understand that in order to participate in a Principia Study Abroad program I am required to abide by the Principia Standards and this Principia Study Abroad Student Code of Conduct.
  • I confirm that I have been made aware of the above issues in order to make my study abroad experience and that of the entire group positive, productive, and safe.