Mike Brokensha

I’m Mike Brokensha, and I am originally from Durban, South Africa. I arrived in 2020 and have been studying Business Administration at Principia College for almost three years. Although I am a business major, music has played a significant role in my life. I’ve always found joy in listening to music whether I am alone, at events, or socializing with friends.

Music can create an atmosphere of joy, peace, excitement, and so much more, which has always fascinated me. I’m also a movie lover who thinks that the soundtrack of a movie contributes to the overall success of the film. Composers like Hans Zimmer who created iconic scores have moved me and inspired me. I can’t stop listening to his powerful music.

I’m excited to just be in Europe for this abroad and finally see what I’ve heard about for many years. I’m looking forward to the festivities over the New Year’s concert and being in Vienna’s streets for the start of the New Year. The country I’m most looking forward to is France and seeing the cathedral concert in Paris.

There’s so much culture and music in Europe and learning about these places has shown me the importance of music in society. Music has shaped many cultures and has been so impactful that beautiful structures all over Europe have been built to host the playing of music. The very fact that these beautiful buildings exist to host music, shows me how much it means to so many people.