Lauren Arens

Lauren Arens

My name is Lauren Arens and I’m from St. Louis, Missouri. I am an Educational Studies major and a Sociology/Anthropology minor. Music is important to me because it has become such a large part of my daily life. Whether I’m working out at the gym or walking to class, I find myself exploring new music and connecting with new artists based on my emotions and experiences. I am excited to explore Vienna, Prague, and Paris with my classmates and to see everything we have learned in our class be put into action by going to many operas and symphonies! Coming into this semester, I didn’t know much about the technicality of music, but now I’m excited to expand my knowledge and understanding in the places where so many famous composers and artists created their famous pieces. I am most excited to visit Vienna because there are so many great churches and concert halls that are beautifully built and decorated. I’m most excited to see The Marriage of Figaro in Paris because we have seen and discussed that opera in class, so being able to see it in person will be so life-changing! Music is so important to everyone’s lives, even if they don’t realize it. Music is everywhere: in movies, restaurants, elevators, and more!