Georgia Rather

My name is Georgia Rather, I’m an Economics major and Business Administration minor from Madison, Wisconsin. I took piano lessons from the age of 6 until I was 18, as did my three older siblings, so for as long as I can remember music has been a huge part of my life. I’m most excited to explore all of the new cities and places that we’re going to and getting to learn about them through the lens of music! I think I’m most excited to go to Vienna, Austria, because I think it’s the city that I have heard the least about and I love getting to experience new things. The concert I’m most excited for is seeing the nutcracker in Prague, because ever since I was little and playing piano, Tchaikovsky has been my favorite composer and I love the lively nature of the music. Music plays such a huge part in our society that we don’t even realize the full extent of. There are so many times when I’m listening to music and almost don’t realize it, because it’s such a social activity to listen and talk about music with your friends or to hear it in a public space or at an event. We often don’t realize how much it acts as a glue for society.