Cooper Holt

My name is Cooper Holt! I’m a junior on the Music in Europe abroad, and I’m so excited to be on this abroad! Here’s just a little about me to help you get to know me. I’m an Educational Studies major interested in elementary education, experimental Ed, and child therapy. Music is a really big part of my life, and I spend a lot of time with headphones on. To me, music makes life more enjoyable and exciting. I couldn’t imagine going to the gym or for a run or doing homework without some kind of music playing. I’ve always been really excited about the story telling aspect of music and the art and exploration of it. I’m interested to learn more about this in different countries!

The country I’m most excited to see is France, but I’m also excited to be able to visit Prague. From what I can tell, it is a very beautiful and culture-rich city that I’m excited to explore. I’m most excited to visit jazz clubs and also to sing our song “Ave Verum Corpus” that we’ve been practicing. I can’t wait to go on the abroad! I’m so excited about the opportunity the study abroad program has given me.