Remote learning: Tapping into local resources

Educators around the world have come together to share an abundance of ideas for a successful shift to remote learning. The New York Times, The Harvard Business Review and hundreds of other news outlets have begun to focus on this transition.

Here at Principia, the CTL has curated an ongoing resource page to help with various aspects of this transition to remote learning, from tech support guides, to ideas for staying active as we work from home.

In addition, the Principia Pilot has been running daily articles about our community’s shift to this new landscape. Articles include metaphysical support and assessments of student and faculty morale. The Pilot will continue to monitor various policy changes and the impacts they have throughout the remainder of the school year. 

CTL’s PGTI Sam Engel wrote an article for the Pilot about the shift to remote learning. Engel writes the following:

“How do you complete a chemistry lab from a home kitchen? What about attending a nude figure drawing class from a shared living room? Is any of this even possible? These are just a few of the many questions faculty, administration, and students are scrambling to answer as Principia College flips to an online-only learning environment. 

In reality, the question isn’t if these things are possible, but rather how effective lessons will be once they’re transferred online. In many cases, faculty are left with the difficult job of determining what activities are absolutely essential for meeting course objectives. For everyone, it’s been a massive upheaval of what was once deemed “normal.”

Students are attempting to juggle mixed-up time zones, multiple unfamiliar digital education platforms, and a blatant disruption to their expensive education. For those who chose to attend college in-person because they succeed best in a classroom, the change feels overwhelming and disappointing…”

Click here to read the full article.

As we enter into the first week of remote classes, remember to be patient with yourselves and your students. If you have any tips for remote learning or working from home, leave them in the comments below!  

Sam Engel is the CTL post-graduate teaching intern. They enjoy playing with dogs and taking long walks in the sunshine.

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