Major: Global Studies
Hometown: Saint Louis, MO
Storytelling Group: People on the Move
What most excites you about India and Nepal?
What most excites me about India and Nepal is getting to immerse myself into an entirely different culture than what I am used too. I am excited to understand how India’s and Nepal’s culture are different and similar from each other and to the United States.
What is important to you?
My family and friends. I believe that having a creative outlet is very important. Some other things that are important to me are keeping an open mind, maintaining a free spirit, and really listening to others. I strongly value diversity and reaching out of my comfort zone with trying new things.
How would you spend your time, if money were no object?
If money was no object, you would find me doing art and photography all over Europe.
What do you want to be better at?
I would really like to get better at reflecting. I am someone who rushes through life and is always thinking about the future instead of reflecting on the past. I would really like to start taking more time to self-reflect and begin a reflection journal.