My name is Jake Smith and I am a senior in college. I am majoring in Political Science. I am from San Diego. I am most excited and intrigued by St. Lucia’s culture and the people of the region. I am excited to experience the complex mix of influences that St. Lucian culture is founded upon, and I hope to additionally gain insight into the local political and environmental climate. I think the most important aspects to understanding a place are understanding its people and its history. While I would consider factors like geography and economy important as well, I think that the people that inhabit a region are the most influential aspect in the day to day. One of the most meaningful places to me is China, specifically the Yunnan province. When I visited in 2014, I was blown away by the cultural differences, the sheer number of people, and the natural beauty of the region. It was a very spiritual experience in that I felt a significant connection to people who I considered myself very different from.
Jake Smith