My name is Jacob Sablan. I am a junior (3rd Year) and my major is Education, Theory and Practice. I am from Mesa, Arizona. The focus on context is something that is particularly interesting with this trip. We are really doing a deep dive into the definition and application of context through a variety of different lenses. I think the big aspect to understanding a place is the rich and diverse history of the culture of St. Lucia. There is a lot of influence from a lot of different cultures and understanding what stayed and what disappeared as time progressed is interesting to unpack when considering/understanding place. The Principia Upper School is one of the most meaningful places to me. It represents a lot of stability in my life while things were changing or shifting. It was the place that encouraged me to try new things and gave me the tools to explore those things. It was the place where I first began traveling the world. It’s where I met my best friends. It’s where I had my first job. And it’s ultimately the place where I knew that becoming an educator was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
Jacob Sablan