My name is Boone and this is my fourth year in college. I am majoring in Education. I am from Alton, IL. I love exploring different forms of education and ways of learning. I think outdoor Ed is an underused way of educating and I feel very compelled to dive deep into and experience it myself. Understanding a place through its infrastructure is a great way to see what the community prioritizes and values in how they live. Looking at how the towns and cities are arranged and how environmental protection is set up can reveal a great deal about what the place really is. I love the River Road. It’s easily one of the most beautiful places in the world. I grew up gazing out over the Mississippi River nearly every single day and it still blows me away with how gorgeous and vibrant it is. I love the way the road winds alongside the river and provides a very clear, scenic view. I also have come to enjoy the bike path adjacent to it for long runs. It’s truly built different from other roads.
Boone Steele