Heidi Snow has taught English literature classes at Principia College for the last nineteen years. She has led five abroad programs to England focused on Shakespeare and this will be the second program focused on Lake District authors. Besides her travels to Britain in connection with abroad programs, Heidi has traveled several times to research the life and times of William Wordsworth. Her research into theological views on poverty in the 18th and 19th centuries has taken her to the Lake District, Oxford, London, and Scotland and has resulted in a book with Routledge Publishing entitled William Wordsworth and the Theology of Poverty.
Snow’s area of expertise is British literature, specifically the British Romantics. In conjunction with the Theatre and Dance Department, she teaches a First Year Experience program and has led a few abroad to England. She has been active in establishing and enriching relationships between Principia and the British field and has previously led a Principia Lifelong Learning walking trip in the Lake District as part of that endeavor. Her scholarly research focuses on issues of poverty and religion, specifically as found in the writings of William Wordsworth. Her recent sabbatical at the Wordsworth Trust in Grasmere, England, included an examination of the tastes and expectations of the Georgian readership with regard to religion, gender, and nature. Dr. Snow’s careful examination of the theological attitudes toward poverty during William Wordsworth’s lifetime has contributed to discussions not only in the field of literature but also in the fields of religion and ethics. Her book William Wordsworth and the Theology of Poverty has been reviewed in such journals as Markets and Morality, The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, and Literature and Theology. Heidi’s work with the Wordsworth Trust has been instrumental in helping that institution expand its educational offerings to colleges and universities in the United States.