Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does Principia CSO use my gift for?

A: We conduct three services a week, including a Sunday church service, a hymn sing, and a testimony meeting. This requires buying resources such as quarterlies. We pay upkeep fees for our pipe organ, and we pay any substitute organists who play for our services. We also sponsor a Christian Science Lecture every semester. The lecturer’s fees, lodging and transportation costs must be met, as well as advertising costs. In addition, our many CSO activities over the semester are supported through extra spending, and we appreciate your gift to support this work!

Q: Is the CSO Executive Board paid?

A: No, all CSO Board positions are filled by volunteers.

Q: Can I make a recurring payment?

A: Yes! Check the box to “Make This Recurring” in the PayPal form to make your gift repeat every month until you cancel it.

Q: Does PayPal charge a fee in my gift?

A: Yes, PayPal charges a small fee for every gift.