Major/Minor: Physics and History
Year: Junior
Hometown: San Diego, California
What has been the most meaningful idea you’ve discovered or learned about in the program so far?
- A better understanding of fascism has given me a great deal of insight into its concerning appeal in the past and present. In other words, the most meaningful idea I have discovered is how fascism functions as a movement to appeal to people’s urges for an exclusive community.
What do you hope to either learn yourself or share with others about the program (based on what you know so far)?
- I want to share with others my understanding of fascism and help others understand its existence as a piece of history that continues to impact and exist today.
What are you most interested in learning about while you are in Berlin?
- I am most interested in learning how World War II has shaped German identity. I am interested in seeing how Germans have come to terms with the nation’s gruesome history of oppressive violence, and how area bombing and colonization are addressed within the national identity.
What pastry or food are you most excited to try in Berlin?
- I think because JFK said he was a jelly donut one time, I think I gotta go with that. I also wanna compare brot and borscht and see which is best.