Major/Minor: Undeclared

Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Uberlândia, Brazil
What has been the most meaningful idea you’ve discovered or learned about in the program so far?
- Learning that Fascism does not rule alone and is “invited” to power. Fascist regimes never got full control of the state because they did not take power forcibly. Instead, they aggressively explored legal paths and then divided power among some sections of the state. It really opened my eyes to how easily countries can find themselves under a fascist government, even if they are a democracy.
What do you hope to either learn yourself or share with others about the program (based on what you know so far)?
- I hope to see visual examples of how the Nazis impacted Berlin’s structure and society.
What are you most interested in learning about while you are in Berlin?
- I am especially interested in seeing how Berlin copes with its past.
What pastry or food are you most excited to try in Berlin?
- Any type of bread.