Greta Johnson

Greta on Steller

What are you most interested in learning about while you are in Ireland?

One aspect about Ireland that I’m interested to learn about is Irish folklore. I’ve always found origin stories (or stories that explain why things are the way they are) fascinating, whether the stories are real or fictitious. During our preparation for the abroad, I’ve recently learned that Ireland is deeply rooted in its history which includes generations of ancient folklore. This intermingling of real events and folklore has added to my curiosity about the origin stories that comprise Ireland’s history. My hope is that I’ll be able to dive into Irish folklore while I’m in-country through my own creative writing and by talking to the writers we’ll meet.

What are you most interested in seeing? Doing?

This may sound basic, but I’m currently most interested in seeing the Irish countryside. I’ve only seen photos of the vibrant, green grass in the countryside, and I’ve only heard about the beauty of this area. That being said, I’m eager to witness the countryside myself and have my expectations of its picturesqueness exceeded. Something that I’m most interested in doing is taking an Irish step dance class. As a tap dancer, I’m interested to learn about the similarities and differences between Irish step dancing and tap dancing. Better yet, I’d love to learn about those similarities and differences firsthand by taking an actual Irish step dance class!

Is there a particular course that you’re excited about? Why?

Being a theatre major, I’m especially excited for the Devised Theater course. This class is the most “in my element” out of all the courses on the abroad which is the main reason behind my excitement for this one. But what makes it even more intriguing to me, however, is that it’s a new aspect of theater that I’ve never done before. Creating and performing original work with a group of people is new for me, but I’m interested to see how I can bring my previous experience in traditional theater work to devised of theater work. Moreover, I’m excited to see how this abroad group works together to create a product that we’ll perform for the community when we return in the spring!

What is the thing about traveling to a different country that you’re most looking forward to?

I’ve always wondered what a typical day-in-the-life is like for people around the world. Some questions that I ask myself include: what does a student typically do on the weekends? What does a standard neighborhood look like? How do the native people interact with one another? Essentially, I want to learn about what’s “normal” for other people around the world. Although I need to prepare myself for the initial culture shock once we enter the country, I’m eager to immerse myself in the Irish culture!