Happy week 5! While chatting with colleagues, an idea occurred to me: this week can be a somewhat tricky time during the semester. The newness and excitement of the semester, affectionately known as the “honeymoon phase,” starts to wear off. So how do we continue to engage our students? I find that waiting until midterms to get feedback from my students is too late. So, one suggestion is to have the students write on a notecard, anonymously answering these questions:
- What is working?
- What do you wish was different?
- What do you want me to know?
When I solicit feedback, I communicate that their voice and perspective are an important part of my course design. By implementing this best practices strategy, I can take their suggestions or insights and make minor improvements to meet their various learning needs. If I check in with them prior to their checking out, I can embrace all learners and provide an inclusive and supportive learning environment.
If you have questions about how to act on any feedback you receive, then stop by CTL, and we’d be happy to provide suggestions or strategies. Have a great fall break next week!