It’s a great day for a walk

Today was a day of meetings, which meant I mostly sat at my desk.  While I was productively conversing with students and my colleagues, my smart watch was reminding me that I had not stood several times throughout the day, so I’d quickly stand up and get moving.  Well around 2 pm today, I had not been outside since I had arrived for the morning, so I met a colleague and we went for a walk.  This got me thinking, how often do we allow ourselves some freshness? 

Being a professor is an extremely selfless task.  I know I often remind my students to take time for themselves, but do I follow my own advice?  Well, today I did, and it was glorious.   If you cannot get outside, take a longer (or different) route to the restroom or find a staircase and do some loops.   When I take time, I feel better, but I also think more.  This allows me to provide time and space for me to reflect on and process whatever I’m working on at that time.  So, enjoy the day and take care of you!