During this morning’s metaphysical meeting, Paul invited us to write reflectively about our visit to the Terezín Memorial. After a moving discussion in which we shared our responses and reflections, we celebrated Olivia’s name day — “Nina”!

Then, it was time to discuss Karel Čapek’s play, R.U.R (Rossum’s Universal Robots) first published in 1920. It was in this play that the word “robot” was coined. Robot, from the Czech “robota,” meaning “forced labor.”
Are they camera shy — or are they reading very closely?

Later in the day, we visited the DOX contemporary art gallery. As usual, we spent the afternoon drawing and writing in response to the art in the exhibitions.

In the evening, we returned to the Globe Cafe and Bookstore to hear American poet and founder of the Prague Writers Festival, Michael March, talk about writers from the Velvet Revolution and his time running the Prague Writers Festival. Once again, the Prague Abroad was pleased to offer this talk to the public.
Here is Sophie introducing Michael March.

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