Name: Quinn Narcisian
Major: Biology
Year: Senior
Hometown: Highlands Ranch, CO
What has been the most meaningful idea you’ve discovered or learned so far in preparation for your study abroad to Ecuador?
The most meaningful idea that I’ve discovered is communication between cultures, and communication in general. It is very valuable and I am interested to see how my communication will change and improve during my time in Ecuador.
For me, the Ecuador Study Abroad is an opportunity to…
Expand my comfort levels with traveling and also to reconnect with my major. It is also an opportunity to engage with a culture that is unfamiliar to me, I am very excited to learn about it.
What makes you most curious (in life, in general)?
In general, I am most curious about people. I love getting to hear stories and understand how experiences have shaped an individual. I just love learning about other people’s lives.
What is the best piece of advice/wisdom you’ve ever been given?
The best piece of wisdom I have been given is live and let live. Just live my life and let others live theirs.
What do you look forward to the most in Ecuador?
I am so looking forward to the Cloud Forest!! I am really excited to see all of the birds and vegetation.