Name: Everett Poznick
Major: Business Administration with Digital Media & Journalism Minor
Year: Senior
Hometown: St. Louis, MO
What has been the most meaningful idea you’ve discovered or learned so far in preparation for your study abroad to Ecuador?
That the value of family is much more important in Ecuadorian culture.
For me, the Ecuador Study Abroad is an opportunity to…
Learn Spanish so I can better communicate with my friends, explore a new place and go swimming in the Galapagos!
What makes you most curious (in life, in general)?
I enjoy seeing new things and taking the best parts to incorporate in my life! I also love being in environments that force people off their phones to experience real life.
What is the best piece of advice/wisdom you’ve ever been given?
The beauty of compounding interest.
What do you look forward to the most in Ecuador?
Snorkeling in the Galapagos and learning about how cultural differences affect families finances.