Section I. The name of this organization is the Principia College Black Student Union (BSU). The name reflects the black students who founded the BSU and also those that continue to ensure its existence on this campus. Note: The organization supports all perspectives that seek to eradicate racist oppression; however, the organization primarily focuses on the black perspective. The organization is not meant to be exclusive only to black students because of the name.
Section II. The Principia College Black Students Union is an official organization of Principia College, and it is established to:
(1) Fulfill and uphold the standards of the Principia as stated in the “Purpose and Policies of the Principia.”
(2) Afrocentricity and cultural awareness
(3) Provide a forum from which:
(a) Its members can interact together.
(b) Its members can interact with the rest if the Principia campus.
MISSION STATEMENT: Our goal is to rekindle humanity by eradicating racism and social injustice on and off-campus and by encouraging self-definition and awareness.
This would be achieved through the active participation in weekly board and general meetings, the commemoration of notable dates such as the Black History Month, sponsoring talks by renowned and enlightened speakers, and debates.
Section I. Membership will be open to all Principia students. The board will decide membership into the BSU based on commitment and dedication to the organization. Every member of the BSU is expected to attend meetings regularly and be prepared to assist and participate in any BSU activity.
Upon graduation, members of the BSU are not expected to continue performing their duties. However, their contributions, suggestions, ideas, support, etc are most welcomed.
1. The voting members of the Black Student Union shall elect the board members of the organization every winter quarter. These positions consist of:
President/ Co-Presidents (opposite sexes)
Metaphysical Head
II. Should the elections fail to fill all vacant positions, the president will appoint any willing voting member(s) of the organization in the position(s). In the event a vacancy occurs during an officer’s term a replacement will be chosen by the voting members of the BSU.
III. Any elected officer of the BSU cannot resign during their term without prior notification to the members of the BSU.
Nominations and general elections shall take place at general membership meetings. Nominations may be made and seconded from the floor by any member. The term of office shall be three quarters. The term shall end with designations or removal, or with election of a new officer at the end of the term.
Section I. Should the elections fail to fill all vacant positions, the president will appoint any willing voting member(s) of the organization in the position(s). In the event a vacancy occurs during an officer’s term a replacement will be chosen by the voting members of the BSU.
Section II. Any elected officer of the BSU cannot resign during their term without prior notification to the members of the BSU.
Section I. A voting member of the BSU will consist of any student resident at Principia College, who has attended five or more meetings within a quarter and has shown an active interest involving the purpose of the BSU.
Section II. A quorum will be a sixty percent (60%) majority of all voting members of the Black Student Union. This percentage applies at board meetings also when the need to vote arises.
Section I. The BSU will have regular weekly meetings. The meetings are at the board’s discretion but there must not be two consecutive weeks without a BSU meeting.
Section II. Members of the BSU are expected to pay their dues, which are due by the third week of the quarter. The quarterly dues are $10 per member. An exception is made to graduating seniors, who will pay $5 in their last quarter at Principia.
The Board has the right to change the certain provisions of the Constitution. However, they are barred from changing the name or the mission statement of the Black Student Union. Other factors and aspects of the BSU may change over the years.