Funky Brush Painting

Funky brushes
Tempera paint
Large white paper
Plates for paint (one plate per color)

Tape paper to the work surface. Pour a small amount of tempera paint onto each plate.  Invite your child to dab the funky brushes into the paint and then transfer the paint onto the paper.  Children will enjoy exploring with the various brushes—dabbing, pressing, swishing, etc.  What new colors are made as the paint mixes on the paper?

Cloth Sensory Bin

A fun activity to help your baby enjoy tummy time!

4-6 colorful cloth napkins or scarves
Small plastic bin (shoebox size) or basket
2-3 rattles

Place the cloth napkins or scarves in the plastic bin or basket. Tie a few rattles onto corners of the napkins or scarves. Place the bin on the blanket and your baby on his tummy near the bin.  Watch as he starts to pull napkins out of the container and enjoys the fun surprises tied to the fabric. 

This is a fun activity for older siblings to engage in with the baby. 

Pastel Beads on a Wooden Skewer

1 wooden skewer
1 piece of floral styrofoam 
Plastic pastel beads in a small container (pony beads work well)

Place the wooden skewer into the piece of styrofoam.  Invite your child to place beads onto the skewer.  For an added challenge, provide 1-2 dice.  The child rolls the dice, counts the number of dots, and places that corresponding number of beads on the skewer.  Older children may also be encouraged to create repeating bead patterns as they are placed on the skewer.

Dyeing Rice


  • Uncooked rice
  • Food coloring or icing gels
  • Vinegar
  • Plastic containers with lids or Zip-loc bags
  • Newspaper or paper plates
  • Cookie sheetDirections
    Place the rice in container or Ziploc bag (up to two cups). In a small bowl, mix together 1 tsp of vinegar with a generous dab of icing gel or 1/2 of a small  bottle of food coloring. Pour the vinegar/icing gel mix over the rice and seal the container. Shake vigorously, until the rice is well coated. Pour the rice out in a single layer onto a cookie sheet covered with newspaper or paper plates and let dry. 

    Place dried, dyed rice in a large bin and invite your child to scoop, pour, mix, and explored the rice.  It’s a great sensory experience. For older children, provide small cups or plastic eggs in colors of the rice and encourage your child to scoop the correct color rice into the matching containing.

Pastel Painting with Used Gift Cards

Tempera paints in pastel colors
Tulip shape drawn on cardstock
Used gift cards or expired key cards

Draw large tulip shape on white cardstock.Drop small amounts of tempera paint in various colors onto the tulip shape. Invite your child to use a gift card to scrape across the paint, filling in the tulip shape with paint. Once the paint has dried, cut out the tulip shape, tape to a green stem made from green construction paper and display on a window.

Painting with Pastels

Tempera paints in pastel colors
Large paper
Sponge brushes

Tape a piece of large paper to the work surface. Invite your child to create a pastel painting using tempera paint in pastel colors. Sponge brushes work well for this activity.
Allow painting to dry and then display.

Games and Activities for Toddlers (12-18 months)

Your child will like any toy or game that allows her to throw her whole self into it — balls, swings, and tiny climbing sets. Small hands are becoming more coordinated, too, and your toddler can probably now use toy sorters more efficiently, build even greater block towers, and scribble a drawing. Play involves lots of experimentation, like “What happens if I drop this ball?” or “What happens if I pull this lever?”

At this age, most children are very interested in the consequences of their actions, and because their memory isn’t well developed, they don’t tire of repetition. Toddlers also like to try out what they see adults doing, so look for toys that imitate daily life.

  • Large building bricks
  • Snap blocks
  • Push and Pull toys
  • Sorting and nesting toys
  • Climbing gym
  • Balls – underinflated beach balls, soft balls that your child can catch, kick, roll. Stay away from foam balls at this stage.
  • Washable crayons and paper – have just a few crayons available at a time and tape the paper to the floor or table
  • Ride-on vehicles
  • Picture books – your child will want to begin picking out his/her own books

Fizzy Sidewalk Chalk

Box of baking soda 
1/2 cup of cornstarch 
Warm (almost hot) Water 
Food coloring
Spoons, sponge brushes, pastry brushes
Spray bottle with vinegar

Invite your child to mix the dry ingredients and then add water, stirring until it’s not too thick. It may take almost a cup of water. Add food coloring. Your child will enjoy painting on the sidewalk or asphalt. Next have your child spray the paint creations with vinegar. This paint dries very quickly – but washes off with ease!

Bottle Printing

Empty plastic bottles with interesting designs on the bottom
Tempera paint in pastel colors (add white paint to make pastels)
Paper Plates
Large White Paper
Painter’s Tape

Pour various colors of tempera paint in pastel colors onto paper plates. Tape the large white paper to the workspace. Invite your child to dip the bottoms of the bottles into the paints and press onto the paper. Allow paint to dry before displaying.

Mandarin Orange Mousse


1 large box orange sugar free Jell-O (8 servings)
1 8-oz container Cool Whip
6-ounce can mandarin oranges in juice, drained, juice reserved
Water and ice

Place reserved mandarin orange juice in a 2-cup measuring cup. Add water to fill to the 2-cup line. Heat water/juice to boiling. Remove from heat and stir in gelatin powder, stirring until dissolved. Move mixture to a large measuring cup or bowl. Add one cup of ice to a 2-cup measuring cup. Add water to the ice to bring the level to the 2-cup mark. Pour ice/water into the gelatin mixture and stir until ice has melted. Place gelatin in the refrigerator until the mixture is partially gelled. It should be firm enough that it won’t spill out of the container, but will not hold its shape well when lifted with a spoon. Use an electric mixer to break up the gelatin mixture until mixture is very loose and no longer holding its shape. Add HALF of the Cool Whip and most of the mandarin oranges (reserve about 8 nice ones for garnish) and beat just enough to blend everything together. Pour into eight dessert dishes and chill until firm. (We poured the mixture into paper-lined muffin tins.) Garnish with a dollop of Cool Whip and a mandarin orange.

It’s a yummy dessert that reminds you of creamsicles!