Acorn Videos

Guest Speakers

Acorn Song Time

Fizzle Fun with Rainbow Soda Cubes

Painting with Black and White

Singing Time!

Orange Week

Green Week

Purple Week

Fun with Fine Motor Practice

Ahhh! Shaving Cream! – A Sensory Experience

Guest Speaker Videos

Each month our local Acorn parents hear from guest speakers on a variety of parenting topics.

Thy Rod and Thy Staff, They Comfort Me, an inspiring metaphysical talk given by Mrs. Fabienne Warrick, CS

More Singing Time with Acorn Friends!

Fostering Obedience in the Home, Head of School, Travis Brantingham, speaks about the importance of teaching obeidence in the home.

Safety Proofing Our Thought, by Tiffany Green, Director of Christian Science Nursing at Principia School, who speaks about protecting our choice of care and safety proofing our thought

Be A Cheerful Giver – Learning to Serve Selflessly, by Christian Science practitioners, John and Lindsey Biggs, who share ideas on how to help our children serve selfessly and learn to be cheerful givers