Suggested Chores for Children

This is only a partial list to get you started with your own ideas.  For greater success, discuss possible chores and let children choose their own responsibilities.

Chore List: One Year Old

  • Pick up toys
  • Pretend cleaning (wipe up spills, dust, sweeping, vacuuming)

Chore List: Two to Three Years Old

  • Help make up beds
  • Help feed pets
  • Help sort laundry
  • Place spoons and napkins on table
  • Unload plastic dishes, spoons and forks from dishwasher
  • Check bathrooms to be sure there’s an extra roll of toilet paper
  • Put clothes in hamper
  • Get dressed
  • Match clean socks
  • Clean spills
  • Water plants
  • Empty wastebasket

Chore List: Four to Five Years Old

  • Make bed
  • Set and clear the table
  • Dust
  • Help put away groceries
  • Use the hand vac to clean up
  • Bring in mail
  • Pull weeds
  • Take folded laundry to correct rooms
  • Fix bowl of cereal
  • Put food away after meals when within child’s reach

Chore List: Six to Eight Years Old

  • Help fold clothes
  • Put away clean laundry
  • Help with simple cooking and food preparation
  • Vacuum
  • Take out the trash
  • Rake leaves
  • Clean bedroom
  • Wash dishes
  • Fold socks and put away
  • Load dishwasher
  • Sort dirty clothes into whites and colors
  • Sweep
  • Walk pet
  • Put away groceries

Chore List: Nine to Ten Years Old

  • Wash dishes by hand and unload dishwasher
  • Prepare simple meals
  • Change sheets on beds
  • Learn to use the washer and dryer
  • Clean bathrooms
  • Help with yard work
  • Help wash the car
  • Scrub the floors
  • Clean the kitchen

Chore List: Eleven Years Old or Older

  • Help with younger children
  • Any household responsibilities than an adult would do

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