Paper Windsocks

Because it is polk-a-dot week, we decided to decorate our windsocks with colors dots, but you can invite your child to decorate his windsock any way he chooses.

MaterialsPaper Windsocks

12×18 construction paper
Ink daubers in various colors
Paper streamers (Dollar Tree store)
Tape or glue stick
Hole punch


Invite your child to decorate one side of the construction paper using the ink daubers (or markers).  Turn the paper over and glue or taper paper streams to the bottom of the paper.  Streamers should hang down and be approximately 2 feet long. Once the streamers are secure, roll the paper into a cylinder shape and staple or tape ends together. Use a hold punch to make 4 holes at the top and string two pieces of yarn through the holes, having them cross in the center. Tie at the top. Hang it in a breezy, dry area, or invite your child to take it outside to run with it.  

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