Hot and Cold Polka-Dot Sensory Bottles

2 plastic water bottles
Plastic tiddlywinks
Mini pompoms

Directions:  Put 2 or 3 dozen tiddlywinks in one of the bottles. Fill the bottle with cold water. I added a few small ice cubes to the water to make it extra cold. Screw the cap on tightly. Add about an inch of mini pompoms to the other bottle. Add hot water from the tap, filling the bottle. Screw the cap on tightly. Hand the pompom bottle to your child, saying “hot” as you hand it to him. Let him examine the bottle for a minute. Encourage him to turn the bottle over, observing the pompoms floating through the water. Next, hand him the bottle with the tiddlywinks in it. Say “cold,” and let him observe how the tiddlywinks move through the water. Repeat the sensory play, reaffirming the words “hot” or “cold” as he re-examines each bottle.

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