Ribbon Play

Light table or mirror
Variety of ribbons
Masking tape
Floral stones (optional)

Directions: Lay a piece of masking tape at the top of the surface you’re going to use, be it a light table, mirror, or even a table or countertop. Gather your ribbons, and cut them so they’re all the same length. A variety pack of curling ribbon would work very well. Tape each ribbon to the masking tape, leaving a small stripe of space between each ribbon. You can glue another strip of masking tape across the top of the ribbons for extra strength if you wish. Invite your child to explore the ribbons. Show her how you can pull the ribbon taut and secure it with either floral stones or tape to hold it in place. Pull the next ribbon taut, and secure it as well. Now you’ve created stripes! Let her continue to create stripes or just explore the ribbons themselves

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