Exploring Velcro Rollers

Velcro rollers
Small wooden beads capable of fitting through some of the rollers

Directions: Baby C. was intrigued with the pokey cylinders as soon as I set them in front of her! I initiated play by sticking two rollers to each other and handing her another one. She touched it and then brought it to her mouth to explore it. I stuck a couple of rollers to a felt board, but Baby C. had no interest in that. I set one of the bigger rollers on end and dropped one of the wood beads into it. She leaned over to look into the roller and immediately picked it up to find the bead. I stacked a second roller on top of the first and again dropped a bead into it. Baby C. knocked over both rollers to find the bead. Then she dropped a bead into one of the larger rollers and inserted her hand into the roller to retrieve the bead, wearing the roller like a bracelet for a few moments. Then the bead went into her mouth. I promptly fished it out. Then she searched for another bead to mouth, but I held my hand out, and she gave me the bead immediately. She picked up two more beads, brought them to her mouth, and then put them in my hand willingly. 

Baby C. happened to be wearing some knit wool pants which the rollers stuck to. She busied herself pulling them off when that happened and dropped them further away from herself. Play continued several minutes until Baby C. crawled off in search of a new adventure! Who knew Velcro rollers could be such fun!

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