Strawberry Santas

1.5 dozen strawberries, rinsed and dried
1 cup whipped frosting (from a can or home-made)
1 Tbsp. mini chocolate chips

Cut the stem end of the strawberries off so that the berries sit up straight on a paper towel.  Next, cut off about 1/3 of the pointy end of the strawberry and blot dry.  Use a piping bag or a quart-size Ziploc bag with a hole cut in a bottom corner to pipe the frosting onto the strawberry base.  Top it off with the pointy end of the strawberry (the hat).  You can add a drop of frosting to the tip of the hat, and use a toothpick dipped in the frosting to make a couple of buttons down the front.  Finally,  place 2 mini chocolate chips in the frosting for Santa’s eyes.  Enjoy!

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