Blueberry Muffin Pan Cakes

Blueberry muffins box mix 
Powdered sugar (optional)

When we cook, we look for something yummy, simple, and quick from start to finish!  These pan cakes fit the bill! We give everyone a job:  we have egg crackers, an “oil” man or woman, water pourers, mixers, and even tasters! 

Prepare the blueberry muffin mix according to package directions, but instead of filling muffin pans with the mixture, try frying them in an electric fry pan in some oil, or on the stove, over medium heat. The children don’t do the actual cooking, but they do watch from a safe distance. Be sure to have the discussion that stoves and frying pans are HOT, and we DO NOT touch them! 

After flipping the cakes over, let them cool on a plate for a few minutes before serving.  The result is a slightly-thicker-than-pancakes cake that tastes like a blueberry muffin. And a pinch of powdered sugar makes them even yummier!

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