Apple Printing

1 or 2 apples
Knife for cutting apples
Tray for paint
Construction paper

Cut your apples in half, cross-wise, revealing the “star” that is formed when you cut through the seed casings.  We found that Golden Delicious apples worked best, but any apple will do.  Pour a small puddle of paint in a styrofoam meat tray or paper plate.  We used blue and mixed a little blue into white paint to get a lighter shade of blue.  If you choose to use 2 shades of paint, they can both go into the same tray. 

We used the top half of the apple to make prints, primarily because the stem made it easier to hold on to!  If you prefer, stick a fork into the apple half and hold on to the fork for easier handling.  Use the tape to secure your paper to the table.  Make sure the apple half is completely covered with the paint.  We used an extra sheet of paper to “blot” the first print; then made subsequent prints on another paper. 

Encourage your child to make prints all over the paper, re-dipping the apple in paint as necessary.   This is also fun to do with citrus fruits, but it’s helpful to cut the citrus fruit in half and let it drain on a paper towel for a couple of hours before using it to print with!

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