Yellow Duckies in the Tub

Sturdy plastic 6-qt. container
A collection of yellow rubber ducks (can be purchased in party-favor packs at the Dollar Store)
A small, fine-mesh handheld kitchen strainer
A bowl to collect the ducks

Fill the container half-full of water. You can add a few drops of food coloring to color the water if you’d like. A little dish soap can be fun, too!

Add the ducks.  Give your child the kitchen strainer and encourage them to catch the ducks and put them in the bowl. How many can your child count When all the ducks have been caught, dump out the bowl and catch them again!

This activity can also be done in the bathtub, in a wading pool, or in the sink. However, young children should always be supervised when playing in even small amounts of water.

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